Summary of Wrestling Rules
Prior to the start of the wrestling match the official will give a leg band to each wrestler to put around their ankle, one will be green the other red. Wrestlers will start the match from the standing or “Neutral” position facing each other in a wrestling stance (knees bent and hands in front). The wrestlers will then shake hands and the official will start the match by blowing the whistle.
There are three periods in a wrestling match. Each period is usually 1-1:30 minute in length.
1st Period: Starts from the Neutral Position, facing each other with their foot on the line.
2nd Period: Choice of position is determined by the flip of a coin, the winner may choose top, bottom, neutral or defer their choice to the 3rd period.
3rd Period: The choice of position is given to the other wrestler.
Wrestlers are awarded points for the following: takedown, escape, reversal, near fall, illegal holds, unnecessary roughness, unsportsmanlike conduct, stalling, and technical violations.
Takedown: 2 points – From the neutral position (both standing with neither wrestler having control) a wrestler gains control over his opponent down to the mat while the supporting parts of either wrestler are in bounds.
Escape: 1 point- When a defensive (bottom) wrestler gains a neutral position and his opponent has lost control while at least one wrestler is in-bound.
Reversal: 2 points – When the defensive wrestler comes from the bottom position and gains control of his opponent, either on the mat or in a rear standing position, while the supporting points of either wrestler are in-bounds.
Near Fall: 2 or 3 points – When near fall criteria are met for 2 seconds. Near fall criteria is: When any part of both shoulders or scapula of the defensive wrestler is held for at least 2 seconds within four inches of the mat. When one shoulder or scapula is touching the mat with the other shoulder or scapula held at an angle of 45 degrees or less. If near fall criteria are met for two continuous seconds, 2 points are awarded when the defensive wrestler is out of the near fall situation.
If near fall criteria is met for five continuous seconds, a 3 point near fall is awarded when the defensive wrestler is out of the near fall situation.
Pin (Fall): A pin is awarded when a wrestler holds any part of both of his opponents shoulders to the mat for two continuous seconds.
Technical Fall: When a wrestler has earned a 15 point advantage over his opponent, the official will end the match. Some youth tournaments will call a Technical Fall after a 12 point advantage.
A one minute overtime period begins immediately after the regulation match. Both wrestlers are in neutral position. The first wrestler to score is the winner. If neither wrestler scores then 2 additional 30 second periods will be wrestled with the choice of position going to each wrestler (top, bottom, defer).
A wrestler is awarded points for penalties committed by his opponent. These points are awarded as follows:
Illegal holds; Unnecessary Roughness; Unsportsmanlike Conduct; Stalling; Technical Violations
- No warning
- 1 point first infraction
- 1 point second infraction
- 2 points third infraction
- Disqualify fourth infraction
Technical violations include avoiding wrestling by leaving the mat, grabbing clothing or headgear, incorrect starting position or locked hands.
Technical violations for false start or incorrect starting position are given 2 cautions then a 1 point penalty for each infraction following the 2 cautions.
The object of a wrestling match is to gain a fall by pinning an opponents shoulder’s to the mat for 2 continuous seconds, or to gain a decision by out-wrestling an opponent. If there has not been a pin (fall) or a technical fall by the end of the third period, the winner of the match is determined by the number of individual points scored. The wrestler with the most points wins the match by decision.
Match Ending
The match is ended with both wrestlers shaking hands, the winner of the match will have his arm raised by the official